Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Life in PHL

(I will be adding on some vacation stories in the next few days, lots of pictures to come)

Last week was ridiculous. It was one of those times where everything you were supposed to do for the past month (that you might have pushed to the side a bit..) all came crashing down at once. More specifically wednesday. I got attacked by wednesday. A paper on renaissance poetry did me in. But then things got better, it was almost 70 degrees on Friday. Thursday started off a trend of beautiful weather which could brighten the day of even the grouchiest of grouches. A leisurely field trip to old city led to a leisurely afternoon in the park, celebrating St. Patricks with cheap champagne instead of beer. High Life might be the champagne of beers, but nothing beats Andre. 

Saturday night Megan and I were treated to a slumber party with the most ridiculously wonderful, expensive, high-designed nightlights you have ever seen. Our friend James is working at Bahdeebahdu, a sculpture/design/lighting studio in Northeast Phila. (Free promotion for my friends: they're having an opening on April 14th, FRESHBLOOD, where you can see talented work of James and the others of the 'next generation' at the studio). The pictures above are from our visit, we were so lucky to get to spend the evening there. Sunday morning I scurried off the farm to spend the day at home with papà and the schipperke, and most importantly collect a bag of compost and some seeds. In few days I will be starting a mini nursery on the 19th floor, my chia pet needs some friends. Pictures will come soon! 

Oh yeah, and I made challah (holla!), this recipe can be found @ smitten kitchen, highly recommended. 


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