Sunday, December 12, 2010

Where I've been and what I've done:

I've been evading my virtual responsibilities in favor of real life. Which I think is a pretty damn good excuse if there ever was one. Seeing as the first first photo is suspiciously thanksgiving related, it's easy enough to say: It's been a while.

So in the past month (really?!) here's what has happened:

+ a somewhat belated thanksgiving with the girls, with the best largest turkey I've ever had
+ my parents came for a visit
+ papà ran a marathon on the yuckiest day all month
+ on that note, florence rained on everyone's parade alllllmonthlong
+ bought some beautiful leather boots
+ eating, so much eating
+ i'm elbow deep in making a ballerina (lots and lots of pictures to come)
+ having the best best time* with my girls here
+ *masquerade ball?
+ rebecca's week long birthday celebration
+ cinque terre (3/5 actually)
+ and buying lots of train tickets for the following month!


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