One week left until turn in date and I am still in denial of everything that has to get done. I figure if I don't think about it, don't stress about it, it's all going to get done somehow. My studio project is the big time—hogger right now. Megan and I are desperately trying to master plumbing in order to get our final product to greensgrow. I could have never imagined how difficult it is just to make a foot activated hose spray. Saturday was spent at the farm for some fresh air and a bit of baking to take my mind off things. (Am I a bad daughter if I admit that without THIS recipe I wouldn't have gone back this weekend?) The cake roll, of course, was incredible. Maybe even good enough to become the new default birthday cake in our house. It's really just eggs, sugar, chocolate chips and whipped cream, further reinforcing my belief that baking, is in fact, magic.
Hopefully I will have a lot more work to show here in a week or so!
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