Saturday, October 23, 2010

Happy saturday!

Umm, i was googling pictures of corgies... corgum? what is the plural of corgi, or should one never have more than one at the same time? this is the best ever. (from here..)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Comfort foods

Monday, October 18, 2010

Penguin will stop the death of print media

On my way home from class this afternoon I subconsciously decided to procrastinate by going to the bookstore. I say subconscious because I was fully aware that I had work to do, but hadn't the vaguest idea of its expanse. In other words, I really was planning on making a quick stop, churning out a paper and getting to sleep. Well the bookstore was more than just a quick stop, of course. I went in with a purpose, to buy a design book I have been thinking about since I first saw it three weeks ago (see, a thoroughly considered purchase, also it's italy-specific, so therefore counts as a souvenir). After finding the intended book I decided to wander up a level, just-because-you-know I had never been up there. Hello Penguin 'Great Ideas,' goodbye homework. Whoops. Please click through to the link. It's beautiful. What the Penguin publishing housing is doing with graphic design will save books. There is no circumstance that would make me choose an ebook version of any other these over their hard copies. They are a pleasure to hold, look at, and of course read. Judge the book. Judge the cover. They are beautiful. The great ideas series, which of course is not available in the states, brilliantly packages classic essays and works on philosophy in clean, fresh, unintimidating paper backs. I want to own (and read) them all. Too bad the collection in entirety will set you back over seven hundred dollars. Whoops.


hahahaahha… best email title line all year.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Green Packaging Design

This is what I should be learning about in that class. Too damn cool. Replacing styrofoam with mushrooms.

Friday, October 15, 2010

It has been too long.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Because I am lazy, and I promise I will update soon. (via)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Last week(end): before the next one gets ahead of me!

Chestnut flour crepe anyone?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

things i have learned in my life so far

Inspired by mr. sagmeister himself (please click on it to view large):

and here, more directly:

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Stay Golden

Browsing this blog (reanna), and saw this image. And immediately I open up photoshop to do this. Gosh, I am such a nerd.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Collection

The only class I try/enjoy: Footwear

Here's my collection for class last week. The design student in me got all digital with the assignment.

The Catorialist

I know, I already posted a link to this on facebook. But really, I cannot stop laughing every time I think about it. If you are at all familiar with The Sartorialist, you will understand the incredible humor in this:
The Catorialist

Saturday, October 2, 2010

shoe collection

As i've mentioned before, one of the few classes here that I really enjoy is my footwear design class. This past week we got the wonderful opportunity to visit the 'last' factory, where they manufacture the lasts, which are models used in the construction of shoes. They kind of serve as a hard plastic model of the foot. Being the industrial design nerd that I am, this trip just made me giddy. I love getting a sneak peak into manufacturing. Here are some photos from the visit:

Shaping the first wooden prototypes for production.

Wooden prototypes, they use both additive and reductive methods.

Lots of lasts, mid production